New language pack for Sketchup

The process is simple.
Open strings file in sublime text
press ctrl+h (open search parameters)
use 2 reges passes (it’s possible to use 1)
#1) delete first quoted text & ="


than ctrl+h again
#2) delete last quotation mark & semicolon (":wink:


in both cases press ‘replace all’(bottom right)
save file as (ctrl+shift+s) file.txt
that open Free Online Translator - Preserves your document's layout (PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, text)
drop the file there choose languages and click translate (button) than download (no button style).
Translator revises and sends you.
You substitute and (if) make necessary tests and prepare for another package translation.
Should I do that with all files in resources folder? My opinion is machine does the job but human controls the result.
The second regex pass is incorrect. Your programmers should know better how to do that. Not programmer sorry.
If you see other better ways of interaction. Ukrainian team is open for communication.

Not all translators are programmers (should they be?).
I’d ask your development team to improve your well organized translation strategy and separate translation text from internal software code so translators could concentrate on translation but not on digging inside any code. Ask ( or hire from your programmers to do that separation. This will save your developers from the headache what translation really is.
I understand your software is a complex of different technologies. But experienced programmes (and developers sometimes) are capable of that.
As a temporary solution I suggest crawl through the resource folder and substitude translation items with Constants (or variables or even some sort of substitution patterns) on your side and send translators pure text files (ask preserve some patterns you use inside your internal software logic) no matter what type of code (qt,html) you use.
The point of this topic is to bring a bridge between translators and developers (by means of your programmes I guess) so both sides get benefits.
More languages more income, more feedback = faster development. The point is in right organization.
Revise your translation strategy and share your considerations. If you meet some specific code limitations or other obstacles that prevent translation. Just share. Repeat,translators are open for communication.
P.S. as to 2020 files inside later Sketchup versions you could tell: that was made intentionally for compatibility OR thank you for information we’ll fix (allready fixed) that.

Any responce? I’m ready to accept any (even blocking my profile on this forum). Just do that and i’ll know for shure what to expect. And what 3d software will be next on my list. Cause you are not the leader in this field but your software has the lowest entry point. People don’t like complicated things. The simpler the better. That’s why I like Sketchup. And ready to recommend to others.

Just because they don’t translate the software into your native language - or they have no intention of dealing with it - I don’t think you should be offended. I don’t really understand why you think you should be banned from the forum?
My reaction: The forum is mostly made up of users like you or me who give and take advice and thoughts in their spare time. You are free to stay or choose something else. I think it’s a good community.

To stay on topic, I haven’t been using any software translated into my native language for a long time. The translation is simply not good enough (for me), it is better to use English. Any one.

I am not sure what sort of response you are hoping for… to be honest, after reading this again, I am not 100% sure what you are hoping for. As @dezmo said, you are posting in a user forum. There are team members (like myself) who are on here, as well, but none of us are able to change policy for something like our localization process.

Does this count as a response? Not being sarcastic, but really not sure what you were hoping for.

I think Colin had said he’d emailed some colleagues and would let him know if there are any suggestions.

It looks like @forwov has done a good job of figuring out what needed to be changed for themselves.

on a related note and not your wheelhouse : I know there are lots of translation errors in even very widely spoken languages - it would be great if there was a mechanism to better report these.

I did email my colleagues about this, and it looks like they didn’t reply. I have sent another email, and also asked if they are not the right people to answer the question, who should?

Ukrainian team will be waiting the next release and hope you manage to do some steps to stimulate your collegues. Ukrainian team is open for colaboration. I guess we’ve done a lot of comunication allready.

Yes. French team agrees and would like such a mechanism to be implemented :upside_down_face:

Chill Forwov. No need to publish your exchange with an other member of the forum, that’s deserving you and really rude. (edit not deserving, it’s a mistranslation on my part. I thought of “desservir”. I guess I’m ready to translate for SU :wink: )
You’re basically a pair of hobbits asking an old ent to add translation to its software, it takes time, a lot of time, for these decisions.

Sure you and your colleagues made some groundwork, but just because you started it doesn’t mean it will me done within a few days. You’re talking about a big slow corporation, you can’t expect answers within 24h. For such companies, having a new localisation is quite a big undertaking, not just the software, but the help pages, instructor, 3dwarehouse interface, leading to the websites, and and and…
It’s the kind of decisions you would expect to be taken on an annual basis.

I mean, I’ve been waiting on some mistranslation for years, and it’s a language supported since years and years :slight_smile:

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I bring my apporogies to DanRathbun. We all know there may be those days full of strees because of deadlines or other not related to work reasons. I agree developers may be really busy but if they are devoted to their deal thay gladly share knowledge to those who’s asking. Never intended to injure anybody. Don’t judge me, severily.
I’m keen on knowledge (you may not believe me but there was time when i’ve been teaching at school) and I know firsthand what it means to be in a software development environment (not that big company as yours).
As to plugins, they are really connected to the topic because give people ability to implement what developers will never do because of lack of time. If people are involved and search for information this means the product is really worth it.
Thank you for all you’ve done allready. The flip instrument is a thing, though you may enlighten that instrument better (yes I know I can be a real pain in a*s :upside_down_face:)
I’ll definitelly find out what that overlays feature brings to plugin developers.
P.S. don’t forget to think out about them too)

The best strategy is perhaps to contact your local distributor, and join forces. Like the Polish distributor has done. If one can provide insights in improved sales with localized software, it might add some ‘weight’ to the request.

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Found much better algorithm (don’t like complicated things)
rename by means of dirad (sublime plugin) all required files in resource folder to .txt
pack all .txts to one big txt file
send it to translation
unpack to many .txts
rename back
try to use KISS principle everywhere possible.
We’ll test Sketchup in our native language (agree upon all terms) and will be waiting when you get ready to accept new language packs

Again, just trying to be super clear here… no one on this forum is waiting for new language packs. As suggested, you should contact your local reseller and see if they have a connection to development and the people who maintain localization.

for those who are eager to help make sketchup better.

Can we share ideas, at least, or some practical examples on how to make translation more organized? Work out some interaction patterns between translators and developers. Does localization management team read this forum? Where is the place for disscussion of localization questions?

you can, you already have, but don’t expect much support from the few SU employees here, because they don’t have that power of decision, and beyond emailing the relevant team, as Colin did, they can’t do much.

I doubt it, most SU employees here are public relations people, a handful of developers, usually on their section (like The Guz on Warehouse, Eneroth and ThomThom in the dev section)
Pretty much everyone here is simply community.

Thanks all for your participation. Just realized that localization is not the question of first priority. Especially if there are such technologies like Bixby Vision. Professionals, who use Sketchup mostly, feel comfortable with English. And shoud be if want to improve their skills. I will open another topic to discuss translation specific questions.
This topic should be closed. Translation is not a technical problem but a means of obtaining moral satisfaction from using a high-quality software product.

I will accept your apology, if you delete the images of the private conversation that you posted over on imgur.

Deleted all the images from my profile at imgur with the profile itself. Nothing special to keep there. Thought you were part of developers team. Now understand you’re the true hobbiest. Admit it was extremelly impolite.

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As for new language pack I can help in localizing help center into my native language too. Would be extremely gratefull if somebody gave glues to Layout localization first.