New Computer for my pro

Questions about my 2016 pro, I’m needing to replacing my old computer with a new one.

  1. Will I be able to retrieve an authorization code (serial #) from the Sketchup folks to activate my old program like I have in the past?

  2. Or will the existing code that I have still be able to work?
    From what it looks like on their website they no longer will provide a working code with someone with a perpetual license. I am my understanding that correctly? I have the program on a SD drive. Thanks John

The existing codes should work. Remove the license from the old machine first. What operating system will your new machine have? I don’t know if anyone has used version 2016 with Windows 11.

Thank you for your reply. The one I’m replacing is Windows 10 and my SketchUp 2016 Pro worked just fine. The only issue that I know that I cannot do is download one of my drawings from the warehouse it sent my SketchUp into chaos mostly with the what I refer to as the fence surrounding an object left or right creative problems. So my question again the codes that I have from over a year ago that was granted to me from the folks at SketchUp should still work, is that right?

If 2016 will install and open, the license should work. The only way to find out is to try installing 2016.

license data of the deprecated classic license is valid w/o a runtime limit, at least if allowed product activations (max. 2 plus 1 spare) are not exceeded.