New 3D Warehouse model viewer is broken!

@taffgoch Can you ping me the URL of your model, or is this still for any model you try to view?

Yea, XP isn’t going to run anything higher than (oops, I had typed IE11, but as sage Dan pointed out, XP only runs IE8 I had XP and Win7 crossed up). XP is no longer supported by Microsoft. On Firefox 47 on Win10, your 4 most recent models all loaded for me.

Since I’m here and being too lazy to go to another topic…

I STILL can’t use MySketchup, nor the 3D viewer in Chromium based browsers.In FireFox, it’s working like normal…so far. As for Microsoft related browsers…no dice.

I launched it on Chromium 50 on Win8 (virtualized, so it’s slow), but plenty snappy on Chrome 52 on Win10.

And today it’s broke on Chrome 53… we’re investigating.

My Chrome just upgraded to 53 - and my.sketchup seems to be working for me.

We found 2 machines here that had trouble with Chrome on Windows: one was fixed by updating the driver. The other one has an old AMD Radeon HD 5450 that’s video drivers are up to date, but still doesn’t work. So:

  1. Make sure your video drivers are up to date, and if that doesn’t work, go to step 2
  2. Wait for us to find a fix, test it and push it.

I was getting the crash, and updated my drivers for Win10 on my dual boot mac from
And it started working again.

Hi @Barry

This popped up this evening while attempting to view a small model (only 14 polygons)

Like Taff, all of the WebGL demos from…

…work fine, at respectable frame rates.

I have problems with getting both the 3DWH Viewer and my.SketchUp to load & run.

DELL Precision T3400
nVIDIA Quadro FX 1800
Win 8.1 32-bit
Chrome Version 53.0.2785.116 m

Installed this recently released driver for the nVIDIA Quadro FX 1800
Version: R340 U12 (341.96) WHQL
Release Date: 2016.8.16

• my.SketchUp now loads and runs fine
• 3DWH Viewer still throws the Whoops! :confused:

Cr48 Chromebook
Version 53.0.2785.103
Platform 8530.81.0 (Official Build) stable-channel x86-mario
Firmware Mario.03.60.1120.0038G5.0018d

• my.SketchUp crashes
• 3DWH Viewer crashes

• 3DWH Viewer still throws the Whoops!

@Barry Might connection speed have anything to do with the problem?

Why test with OOKLA when you can clock latency with an egg timer…


Installed this recently released driver for the nVIDIA Quadro FX 1800
Version: R340 U12 (341.96) WHQL
Release Date: 2016.8.16

• my.SketchUp now loads and runs fine

Scratch that @Barry
my.SketchUp just crashed on startup.
My email is in the report.

Yea, some weirdness with Chrome and their settings. I went to Chrome Beta on Windows, same WebGL settings. I hesitate to go to Canary, but if we keep getting these, I probably will.

Did you put your email on your crash? If so, I’ll take a look.

Let me start off first by advising that I have not tried to use that new my.sketchup, though I looked at the page after finding this thread. I also do not know if my.sketchup and the warehouse have become one and the same or what. I only know that when in the warehouse, despite whatever changes have been made in the last few days, I can not view any models using the WebGL Viewer.

BTW, in my previous post, I failed to mention my browser version. Here is my system info:
System Info: MS Windows 7 Home Premium
6.1.7601 SP 1 Build 7601
Acer laptop Model Aspire V3-551
x64-based PC
AMD A8-4500M APU w/Radeon™ HD Graphics, 1900 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
Acer v1.04, 8.20.2012 (BIOS vs)

After my last post, I also checked with two other people to see if they got the same error when attempting to use the WebGL viewer in the warehouse as @michael_okeefe91 and myself:
Windows 7 & Firefox 44~
Window 8.1 & Firefox 48~
Windows 10 & Chrome 53~

At the time I asked my brother and SO to go to the warehouse and check to see if the WebGL view worked, my brother got the error, my SO did not. Since whatever changes were made in the past few days, my brother no longer gets the error. I have since updated my version of Firefox to 47.x, but still have the issue, an don’t want to udate again to the latest Firefox - I normally do not update right away hoping to avoid any bugs or issues.

I am using a laptop and I have created artwork 3000X3000 pixels at 300dpi with as many as 30+ layers - so my system shouldn’t be a problem - but again, I’m not using “my.sketchup,” online - just the stand-alone program on my computer. I also am using the last Google version of Sketchup as I’m not overly fond of the Trimble versions, and wish to avoid some of the issues some users have had with Sketchup no longer working after that pro trial has expired.

Here are the things I’ve done in an attempt to determine whether there is an issue with my computer or not:

  1. I went to the site via the link @taffgoch included in his post, and sure enough, the WebGL demos there work for me too.

  2. Browser>Firefox>Update>47.0.1 - which exceeds the minimum requirement of vs 35. Info at Getting Started with SketchUp for Web | SketchUp Help indicates that Chrome, Safari AND Firefox are recommended, and that “[sketchup’s] regular test suite” includes those browsers. So I shouldn’t have to resort to Chrome OR the very newest version of Firefox just to be able to use the WebGL Viewer in the 3D Warehouse. I considered checking out Safari, but discovered it has been discontinued, and apparently only an outdated (older than vs 8) version is available for Windows O/s’s.

  3. Firefox>about:config>webgl.force-enabled: Value=false, as is indicated [by various sources] this value should be

  4. Firefox>about:support>Graphics>WebGL Renderer: Google Inc. - ANGLE (AMD Radeon HE 7640g Direct3D11 vs_5_0_ps_5_0), the results of which means my graphics card is neither blocked nor blacklisted

  5. Checked for new display adapter drivers - Windows advises the driver software is up to date

  6. Went to to see if my browser supports WebGL. Page advises one should see a spinning cube - which I did, which is an indication that my browser supports WebGL

  7. Checked browser compatibility with WebGL at - got the big “Yay,” indicating all is well there, also

  8. I also reset the glcontext values in about:config as a poster on the issue with WebGL did, which [she] indicated actually worked for her, but I had no such luck. (Getting "You need a browser which supports WebGL to run this content. Try installing Firefox" while using Firefox discussion on Kongregate) Values have since returned to previous settings.

  9. I even downloaded and installed Firefox Nightly vs 51.0a1(2016-09-12)(64-bit) because it allegedly supports WebGL 2.0 as there has been implication that issues with WebGL 1.0 are solved with WebGL 2.0. Still, I get the error. But then I’ve read other info that WebGL 2.0 hasn’t really come to exist yet (?)

I’m no computer whiz by any stretch of the imagination (I know just enough to get myself in trouble), but I sorta think the issue has nothing to do with my system, and offer these steps I’ve taken in case anything might be helpful.

Thanks for the details.

Sorta. We have a feature list we’re hoping to add to the 3dwarehouse viewer, giving people the ability to share their work in many places and with many SketchUp features that weren’t in our original 3D viewer. So instead of developing along 2 separate paths between the 3dwarehouse viewer (a project that started a long time ago while we were at Google) and, we combined them, and we anticipate being able to update the 3dwarehouse viewer in a quicker manner. That’s held true so far - we have workable solutions to a lot of the issues people are seeing. We’ve pushed fixes to our 3 top crashes, and are testing other fixes. So thanks for sending in crash reports. They’ve helped us track these down.

It’s quite a matrix to test: it’s all the OpenGL worries of graphics cards, drivers and OS’s, and then throw in the browser arrays with different capabilities (Safari - yes, Mac only, Firefox, Chrome, etc…).

Um… unfortunately it has everything to do with your system plus the models you’re viewing. But we’re working hard to expand the surface area of computers & browsers we support and getting every model to be able to be viewed and shared.

my sketchup is STILL broken in Chrome.

It’s working just fine for me in Chrome.

Not for me! Still giving out the same error, while in Firefox, it is working fine.

Clearly not a global problem, then.

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@barry, @DaveR
If this does have everything to do with my computer and it’s obviously not a global problem, then what more should I do on my end to alleviate the problem short of putting up with Chrome lugging my system down, and which models should I avoid trying to view in the WebGL Viewer?

By the way, I updated to Firefox 49.0, “first offered to Release channel users on September 20, 2016,” and tried again to get a model to load in the WebGL Viewer in the 3DWH - a 16.1 kb, 6 polygon model, still with no luck.

There are some issues in Chrome right now that we’re working on. I’m surprised Firefox didn’t work. I’m imaging a Win7 box now and will try Firefox. Do you have an example model on 3dwarehouse that I could use to try it on?

I downloaded FF 49.0, and looked at
4MB, 150K polygon model, a
5MB, 500K polygon model, an
11 MB 150K polygon model,

Lastly, I tried this one: shelter | 3D Warehouse at

30.9 MB 1.18M polygon model, and it worked.

So I’m going to need a model to try it on to see it fail on 16.1 Kb and 6 polygons, @SketchrUppr . The SketchUp figure plus a box is 264.7 kB and 53 polygons for me.


I picked that small model because in post #28 on 15 Sept, you said, “This popped up this evening while attempting to view a small model (only 14 polygons),” which was followed by a screenshot of the “Whoops! Sketchup has crashed!” error message.

I also picked that small model to see if it was just a case of my system being over-taxed since the changes that were implemented after 01/02 Sept. According to what I’ve read, the changes were made (implemented) on 01 Sept, however, I was cruising around in the warehouse viewing various models in the WebGL Viewer on 02 Sept - totally unaware of the changes. It wasn’t until 05 Sept that I began getting the same error as @michael_okeefe91 in the screenshot he included in his initial post - that the “specified model could not be loaded.”

There are no particular models that I can not view - I can’t view ANY models in the WebGL Viewer - file size/polygons don’t matter. I can only look at what is presented in thumbnail form. That said, HERE is the 16.1kb/6 polygon model I tried today after updating to FF 49.

Other models I tried before making this post (#40):
37.9kb/822 polygons, brick
87.1kb/36 polygons, window
2.2MB/13,537 polygons, UFO

I even tried the 30.9MB/1.18M polygon “shelter” you linked in your post above (#39)

I still can view nothing using the WebGL Viewer in the 3DWH, and have not been able to since after 02 Sept across three versions of FF.