Nested Hidden components not to be counted

Hi there,
I want to make a report from a dynamic component that used copies of a component inside of it. Works quite well, but sometimes one of these copies is hidden and i dont want to count it or have it counted with the “hide” option, so i can filter it in excel.but it just counts all of it…any hints?

You can use a scripts that deletes hidden items before doing the report

Generate Report with Dynamic Component - SketchUp - SketchUp Community

I am not familiar with scripting, but then i need to explode parts of the component or not? Possible would be also to use dedecify plugin, but my approach would be not to modify the components before counting… it works really great with opencutlist but it doesn’t export additional Information that i add to the dynamic components…

An alternative is use a custom attribute, say sum, = if(hidden, 0,1) then use alter its properties in the report.
This example from another post has it added and the report made to suit

change label and list.skp (85.9 KB)