I have them all the time. Don’t worry about it.
Reexamining the Nvidia specifications page, it has a note above the details …
Note: The below specifications represent this GPU as incorporated into NVIDIA’s reference graphics card design. Clock specifications apply while gaming with medium to full GPU utilization. Graphics card specifications may vary by Add-in-card manufacturer. Please refer to the Add-in-card manufacturers’ website for actual shipping specifications.
And … BEFORE his mobo died he had posted the specs (per Speccy) from his EVGA branded card in this post …
… in which Speccy indicated OpenGL 3.0 support.
So @rabbithutch, SU2017+ may indeed work for simple models (given the half Gig of GRAM on your old card.)
Only way to tell for sure is to try and run a trial SU2017 or higher. If it doesn’t then you just run Make 2016 until you can afford a better card.
Lastly, the latest 9 series driver I could find for 64-bit Win 7 was released in Dec 2016 (v 342.01 - WHQL)