I’m new to sketchup and 3D. I’ve been using it only for a week. I’m trying to make a “V shape” corner leg for a piece of furniture but I can’t figure out how to do it. If you look at the image I have both faces 90 degrees from each other. The other on the right it’s just a straight on face so you can see more clearly what I’m dealing with. That’s what I have now. I need the two curved sides to end up parallel to each other and then have a rounded edge in the corner. I’m assuming if I bend both faces inward eventually they will end up parallel but I have no idea how to do that. Or maybe I got this all wrong and there’s an easier or better way to do this? ANY ideas would be appreciated. I’ve been trying to figure this out for two full days (I swear) and I can’t wrap my head around it. Thanks!
I don’t think this should be all that difficult but I’m having a hard time understanding what you want to occur at the corner.
Maybe like this?
Here’s what I got – Dave beat me to it.
I think he wants a chamfer or whatever it’s called on the outer corner.
Good work.
I was trying to decipher the “I’m trying to make a “V shape” corner leg” part.
Yes, that is confusing. I paid more attention to the diagram than the written explanation.
As you can see in the image, because of the curved edge of the face they start at the bottom close to each other and as you move up on that line they start to get further away from each other. I’m guessing if you bend both faces inward the distance at the top will be the same as the distance at the bottom at some point so they can run parallel to each other (kinda like a slide at a park) and be able to create a round edge.
I don’t know if this image is going to help or create more confusion but this is how I need the corner edge to look like but instead of straight to follow the curve of the legs.
Ok. The time it took me to answer one question I got the answer and this is what I need but I have NO IDEA how to do it.
You guys nailed it despite my lack of good explanation. This is what I need but no idea how to do it.
Dude!!! Dead on! it took you 5 minutes what literally has taken me 2 full work days. Like I said, I’ve been using the software only for a week and I’m self teaching. Any chance you can explain how you did it?
You have two choices (at least).
You can copy an edge or curve using the MoveTool (tap CTRL key for copymode,) and copy along an axis (use arrow keys for axis lock in SketchUp 2016+.)
User Guide: Copying What You’ve Already Drawn
Or,… if one of the results will be outside or inside (ie, closer to the arc center) of the original, you can use the OffsetTool to create a parallel copy that is offset by some distance.
Someone will probably come along with an even simpler method, but here’s how I did it, in two separate GIFs.
For the chamfer, I’m pretty sure it could be done with the Follow-Me tool, but this late at night I couldn’t figure it out so I just used the Curviloft plugin.
This is absolutely perfect! Thanks a million for taking the time to show me how to do it! Like I said, I’m new to Sketchup and 3D so I don’t know all its tools yet. It’s a whole different world than 2D which is what I’m used to (autocad) but this should convince my boss to make the switch. One last question. What did you use to record the screen and get the GIF file? It may come handy in the future when I come back for more questions. I just know I will. LOL Again. Thanks a lot!
Several of the Sages use and recommend Licecap, which is certainly available for Mac (I use it), and I’m nearly sure for Windows, too.
Sorry, I was on the road all day and couldn’t respond. I use screen2gif, available at screentogif.com, but like @john_mcclenahan mentioned, there are other options.
Cool Thanks!
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