Need help to fix my rendering problem

Hi, I am currently facing a problem that prevents me from working with vray (sketchup), I can no longer render, the software uses between 2% and 30% of my cpu usage, and nearly 100% of my ram (which is not normal because my models are not heavy at all Which makes the rendering extremely slow, i’ve never had this problem before and i can’t figure out what cause this issue.

I will be greatly thankful for any help.

My specs :

CPU : Ryzen 5 5600x Ram : adata xpg D60G ddr4 3200mhz (2×8) 16G GPU : AMD rx6600xt

Uh, could you share the file with us please ? either directly here, or if it’s too heavy, through dropbox / google drive / wetransfer / a pigeon carrying an usb stick (edit : I mean, I don’t know how big it is, but take your time, and pick your platform :wink: )

So we have a look at your file

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