Need help, measurement

Hi there, beginner here. I tried to follow the tutorial to set measurement at the bottom corner by typing the L # and w #but that does not seem to work. It just not letting me type it at all. Most of the video tutorial I found was for desktop edition which I am not subscribe . Can you please let me know why this feature is not working in my end . help please

First make sure you are NOT clicking in the Measurements window. There is never any need to click there. Second, make sure you are using the correct separator between the frst and second dimensions. Depending on your location it’s either a comma or a semi colon.

In the case of a rectangle, click and release to set the first point, move the cursor in the general direction of the diagonally opposed corner of the rectangle, let go of the mouse and type the dimensions. Then press Enter.

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Thank you so much!!! It worked!