Need help grouping

I didn’t understand at first how grouping items would have helped me when building my 3d model for my architecture class. We need to turn an exploded axonometric of our model but I grouped items together wrong. I learned how to go into the groups and see how many layers of groups I have, but I cannot figure out how to regroup specific lines/planes so it explodes correctly. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Or is there a way to just make it only one layer group Instead of the sublevels ?

A.) You can destroy a group by right-click → Explode. The contained edges, faces or subgroups will merge with the entities in the next higher level. Be careful that overlapping edges can be broken into segments when they are merged.

Then select entities or groups again to create new groups.

B.) You can enter a group (double-click), select contained entities and cut them out (ctrl+x), then leave the group (click empty space), enter another group and right-click → Paste in place.

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I can’t thank you enough. It took me the better part of 2 days to fix everything.

But it looks great!

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