Need help for my 3dw

Hello all
I currently have a problem with the image of some of my model in the 3d warehouse.

The image of these models does not load it.
Here are the links:

Can you help me?

We’re looking into it now. Thanks for the heads-up.

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Thanks for your help!

We got the smaller file to render. The model with 1.4M polys is stuck and we’re still investigating why. Seems like the 2016 format is where it gets stuck. 2019 and 2018 are working.

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strangely, I did not have that kind of trouble before

Yeah, we’ve done larger before too. We’ll keep you posted as we figure this out.

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Hello psaal, I would like to know if my problem has progressed, the photo of the robot is still not up to date.

Hi RedC130, we are still investigating this.

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Hello, If you can not solve this problem, please let me know, I could delete the 3D model and put it back online.

However, I tried to download a copy of the model “The Amazing World of Gumball Elmore High School”. Unfortunately, the problem persists.
It would be impossible to solve this problem that way.

Hello psaal, it seems that my problem is solved.

Thank you for your help :wink: .

Hi @RedC130, thanks for letting us know. Nice robot!


Merci beaucoup :smile:

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