For consultants (engineers), I typically check “export for SketchUp”. This setting will effectively export everything to model space, model and annotations, but will export everything not to scale. Also, “ignore fills”
My typical workflow:
Take each page and scale up (or down) accordingly. Sounds difficult, but it’s really easy, since each page is a block. For instance, if I have a floorplan at 1:50 scale, I’ll select the corresponding page, and scale it up by a factor of 50. If all your pages are at the same scale, then scale all the drawing.
Turn off display of lineweights, and ltscale to adjust dash scale. Typically, if I scale the drawing up by 50, I’ll set ltscale to 50 as well.
Check ddunits, to make sure that the drawing units are correct, in case it’s inserted or referenced into another file.
Get rid of all image references, if you have hybrid viewports or external images. To display images, it’s always easier to reference a pdf file.
Tell the recipient to switch it’s CAD background color to white or light gray. Or, try exporting as “color by layer” but that option will probably loose a lot of color info in the original LO file.
There are a couple of free or low cost dwg editors or AutoCAD clones you could try, or even online cad programs that can work. NanoCAD
I would never send a dwg to a consultant, without simplifying it. They for the most part, don’t care about dimensions, fills etc.