Multiple Scenes on the Screen

Revit has always allowed multiple views to be shown at the same time, either stacked or tiled. In the latest release you can now move Views to another monitor. Would these features be helpful if you could to the same things with Scenes in SketchUp?


I’ve never had any need or desire for multiple screens showing the same model from different viewpoints. I prefer looking at a single model and just orbiting as I need to work around the thing as I would do with a real object in front of me. I have used several different programs that used multiple views of the model and found it a royal PIA to work with.


As I have only ever modeled with SketchUp, I don’t have the advantage of experience to appreciate the need for the views. It might be fun to test to see if there are any concrete advantages. However, there have been a few times when modelling it would be nice to have have to orbit back and fourth between views. It’s not often, but it does come up. I end up creating scenes to jump back and fourth in these instances and then deleting them when finished. Perhaps… having an option like this would make that more convenient.

By the way, nice presentation you’ve made to convey the idea. Thanks.

I have no experience of using multiple views or screens so probably haven’t missed the facility. However, I can see that if you wanted to draw a line (say) from one point visible only visible in one viewport to another only visible in a different viewport, that might save a lot of orbiting or switching to X-ray view.

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If this was available, I’d still use 3D perspective most of the time, but it would be very handy to have as an option.

This is fine for small objects. Looking at both ends of a long object close up at the same time is better than in real life, so why limit yourself to what you can do with a real object? In the real world you’d be running back and forward all the time, or need a helper at the other end.

The other handy use for me seeing in parallel projection from multiple directions at once which you can’t do in the real world either.


Rhino too does this and in my view it is nothing but a workaround for bad camera navigation and bad 3D inference. In SketchUp you can very easily pick 3D points using your 2D mouse and 2D screen because of how the inference engine is designed. Also you can change the camera about as easily as you could move your eyes between multiple separate views. As I see it such a feature goes against the whole design philosophy of SketchUp.


True. But in SketchUp you don’t have to leave you chair to see the other end (or whatever part of your model) by changing scenes. Good thing is that you can do so while in the middle of an operation.
Multiple views probably would result in a lot of extra (unnecessary) questions and it would keep the (new) user from properly learning to use SketchUp, preferably in ‘Perspective’ view.

One other option (for simple shapes though) is to have multiple (90 degrees, 180 degrees, etc.) rotated instances of the same component side by side. Change one and view all its sides.

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The only time I think it would be useful in Sketchup for me, is maybe if I were to be making a more organic or complex shape which is odd somehow (a nose comes to mind, but that’s how my mind works!). I’d like to be able to edit in profile for example, but maybe have another (zoomed out?) view visible at the same time, to see the general look.

I should add that it would basically eliminate the need to flick between scenes or ‘standard views’ to get an idea of how the model is progressing… So yeah it would be nice, but only in that circumstance (for me)

Lol DaveR good for you, you are (1) of many people that use Sketchup. As a builder I am running into the issue right now of having my roof be in the way while I look at different scenes provided to me from Plusspec scenes as I’ve created my model. Yes I could hide objects, but what happens if I had to hide many objects, especially within their component windows, now I might be unsure as to which ones I have to unhide again since when hiding an object within it’s component view you are only able to unhide objects that have been hidden once back in their component windows. Some scenes simply get in the way. It’s a great feature request, regardless of the fact that some people like it and some don’t.

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From that, it sounds to me as if you have a great opportunity to improve your workflow. You shouldn’t be using Hide to control visibility of entities for scenes. You should be using Layers for that. Correct use of layers would eliminate the problems you seem to be having.


Well than it sounds like an opportunity to learn. Can you summarize your suggestions and leave me some resources as well? Currently going through these problems with my model on a work day today.

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