Moving already uploaded models into newly created to

Hello Folks, I’m sure I’m just missing something here. I have a Warehouse area that I called Pistonrobot. I have a lot of models there. I’ve been adding them for years. Well…I thought I would design a ventilator to answer the question?? can one design an inexpensive simple ventilator that still would work well enough to help people??
It’s a complex issue. I have some models to upload to the Warehouse and I decided I should make a collection that I called “Pistonrobot Ventilator” (I thought it would be a good idea to keep the word Pistonrobot attached to all my works). Then I looked at the models I have already uploaded and decided…“Well…I guess I better get all these already uploaded models moved into collections.” Thus, I would create collections where the name of the collection was appropriate to whatever topic I was addressing with a particular already uploaded model, and then I would tell the Warehouse to move that model into that collection. It seemed a pretty simple concept to me, but, alas, I can’t seem to figure out how to do this. All help appreciated. And you’ll like the ventilator, it shows all sorts of cool things one can do with Sketchup drawings, but I think I need to see if this Warehouse moving models into collections issue is solvable. Thanks again, Dr. Gray

Could your shorten your post to a question?

I have ideas on how to solve the problem, but knowing the question would help.

The place to go is on the left, click on your avatar and go to ‘My Content’
The little cube on top left represents your uploaded ‘models’, the two icons below (‘Folders’ and ‘Collections’) can have models (and collections) from others, too.

The difference between folders and collections is that collections are visible for everyone, while folders remain private.
You can add Models to Collections and folders by selecting (multiple) and click on the corresponding icon (folder or collection) on the right side. It would pop up a panel with your folders/collections, you can select one and ‘Add it to that collection’ on the bottom of the panel.

It won’t duplicate the model or anything, they’re just query lists. You can add the model to more then one collection, but just one at the time. Once a model is added, that collection is ‘checkmarked’. If you select a checkmarked collection, the option 'Remove from …" would appear.

As it seems, there is no ‘Move’ Option, you have to ‘Remove’ from the current collection and ‘Add’ to the other.(the order does not matter in the main ‘Models’ category, if you set the main category to collections on the left, you would have to edit the collection and thus select the sub-models category of that specific collection)

here’s a little gif:


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Thank you everyone for helping. I think I got my Ventilator drawings into a collection on the Warehouse named: Ventilator, yay. The overall name of my content is: pistonrobot. I think I’ll go over to the main Sketchup forum and let people know that I could send my Ventilator drawings to their own collection. Thanks again, Dr. Gray