Model with almost 10MB of data won't open .skp or .skb and gives error "This does not appear to be a SketchUp model!”


I had some issues with a lot of data getting deleted from my external hard drive and later getting corrupted when trying to recover (through a company). Both the .skp and .skb files are almost 10MB but when I try opening either I get an error message " [This does not appear to be a SketchUp model!”.

I have several files with the same issue so I wonder if there’s any workflow to save them or 3rd party service I could hire. I really don’t want to lose all these models.

Please find link to models below:

The model opens in SketchUp 2024. It might be that it has some errors that v.2022 was unable to fix but newer ones can, but opening it gave no error reports to me.

BTW, the model is less than 6 MB. Is it the same file you are having trouble with?


The file opens in 2022 ok as well. I saved it as a 2020 file, see if this does any better.

230728 MASTER BEDROOM.skp (10.2 MB)


Weird! Could there be anything in my system that triggers the error message then? I downloaded the file you provided and can open it no problem.

Where is the file stored on your computer? Back onto an external drive?