Mixing New Color Swatches

(Mac OS Mojave, Sketchup 2018)

I’m trying to come up to speed again, after a two year absence from Sketchup. I’m looking for a primer/vid/tutorial on how to create a new color swatch. I’m not asking the online help the right question, as it it keeps telling me “no results found”.

Go to THIS PAGE. In the search box enter “edit colors”. This will bring up a number of videos on the topic.

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On RLGL’s suggested page there are two magnifier buttons, it’s the lower one that will just search the SketchUp channel.

I also found this video, which gives a longer overview of using materials on Mac. The part about adjusting color isn’t until the last minute of the video:

Also look at this part of the help article, it tells you how to make your own material collection:

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