I was following along with the video last Friday and found it beneficial. But, Aaron didn’t draw the fillets around the interior base nor around the base of the ramp. Tried it myself and found it a bit awkward. My fillets seem large even though I specified radius 1. I found it difficult to draw the fillet across the back, and of course, impossible for me to have fillets intersect at corners.
He made everything look pretty easy so I’m sure drawing these fillets would be easy for him.
Is there another video where he has covered this topic that I could look at?
I modeled a few of the parts Aaron did but not that one. I see what you mean about the fillets, though. If I were modeling that parts I expect I would use an extension like Round Corner or FredoCorner to make those but they could also mostly be done with Follow Me. I think I would probably end up using a few other extensions because I have them.
It took me a little while as my coffee hadn’t kicked in yet but this thing is solid. I used a combination of FredoCorner, Follow Me, and some brute force.
Actually after my coffee kicked in and I soaked my head in the shower for a few minutes, I came back and modeled it again. No brute force needed this time. It would be even easier if I used default sides for circles and arcs, too.