Manage license menu item greyed out in Sketchup Pro Classic program

on 30 January 2019 I bought Sketchup Single User Version 2018, I am now trying to move the license from one older MacBook Pro to a new MBP that I recently purchased. When I open the Sketchup program (that works well) and go to Sketchup Menu, the Manage License option is greyed out. Any customer service contact number anyone knows of? I can’t find anything on the web site and don’t know where to go from here.


The manage license is for subscribers and you need to be signed in for that option.
If you have a classic license, go to [menu]Help->Welcome to SketchUp and choose the ‘Classic’ tab in the licensing area (on the left are three main area’s. ‘Files’,‘’Learn’ and ‘License’

Thanks for the help Mike.
