Dave, That is a great approach. I will remember that for the next one OR if I need to modify this part more. I still struggle with tools such as the arc tool (no clue how you made that curve so ■■■■ smooth) but I will get there with practice.
I didn’t do anything special to the arcs. They are default 12-sided arcs. I did soften the edges between the arcs and the straight edges they join, however. One important thing is that I made sure the arcs were tangent to both of the edges they connect to. This is done by watching for the arc to go magenta and looking for the Tangent message.
Notice the difference between your arcs and mine. I put guidelines on the segments at each end of the corresponding arcs on both parts. Notice how on yours those guidelines intersect and also the angle of the inner guides relative to the straight lines they join.