Make keyboard shortcuts visible to me

The link to the Sketchucation Extension Tool is here. You will need to sign up as a member there if you aren’t already. Download the RBZ file and then in SketchUp go to Window>Extension Manager and click on Install Extension. Navigate to where you saved the downloaded RBZ file and click Open followed by OK. Once it is installed you can access the shortcuts display under Extensions>Sketchucation>My Shortcuts. You may need to quit and restart SketchUp for that feature to function.


DaveR - You again! :wink:
Major DUH on my part. I re-read the post again, knowing I had missed something, and in fact had. Already have installed the Sketchucation plugin, and now have assigned a shortcut for “My Shortcuts” Two saves in a day, my SketchUp Comrade. Many, many thanks.


The super smart and to-the-point @DanRathbun knows a quicker, easier way, without plugin:

which is (for those too lazy to read through the post to find it:
Window - Ruby Console - Paste this: puts Sketchup::get_shortcuts
and copy out the list :slight_smile:

Further, allow me to +1 @mleikos suggestion: “Why couldn’t you show them in the instructor, or better yet, right next to the tool button?”
Because, while learning is all easy for academics I trust, your phone and every other device still has helpful reminders (numbers, even letters) on each key. Guess why? :wink:

It doesn’t harm you or anyone to follow his suggestion, hence +1, but helps millions here.

-1 for the “two key” shortcut though: because that slows down massively IMHO. The alt, shift, ctrl are easier to reach, yes, you are right there.

Depends on how you use a two or three key shortcut…in Autocad Aliases I use the same letter 1,2,or 3 times to invoke a command

L =line, LL = polyline , LLL= layer dialogue box
D = distance, DD = Dimension , DDD Dimension settings
C = copy, CC = circle
etc, etc, etc

1 key = most frequent command
2 keys = second most common command
3 keys = dialogue box [panel]

no finger searching / stretching across the keyboard…its very fast and efficient

I miss this capability in SU , and as for LO… aghhhhh!

as well as having shortcut consistency across all my software

The instructor panel is linked to active tools (native and Ruby.)
They (or someone) would have to implement a “Help” tool in order to leverage the instructor panel.

I know that there is a request filed to add the shortcuts to the toolbar tooltips.
(I myself do not want the buttons any larger.)

God no, me neither. I disable each toolbar once I have hotkeyed its functions, even before having memorized them (to force me learning them).
But there are SO MANY GREAT extensions here in the community that I constantly add new tools (until SU comes to a standstill, I guess).

I use AutoHotKey and (for SketchUp and Layout) have set double keypresses and some triple to perform commands.

The AHK script has some code to detect whether you are tapping the key twice fast, as you would for invoking a command, or slightly less fast as you would if you were just typing the same letter twice as text.

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