Mac Materials not in paint palette

I know that there are problems with the Mac materials window, will there ever be a fix? I currently count 4 textures that do not show up in the palette, but do show up in the dropper sample swatch when picked from the screen. I have tried purging and closing and opening the paint window multiple times to no avail. Anyone experiencing this on 2024, have any monkey patches or a work around for this? It is getting really annoying that SketchUp has not, nor do they appear interested in, addressing the Mac materials issue, ever.

To make it even more frustrating and weirder, in the time it took to write this I went back to the window and it has corrected itself. :man_facepalming: :man_shrugging:

Is it possible these were added to the model as images instead of materials? Can you share the .skp file so I can look at it on my PC to see if those materials show up there? You could send the file in a PM if you don’t want to make it public. BTW, time for a profile update. It says you’re using 2022 and OS 12.1.

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Hey Dave, they were brought in on components through the component browser window.

Chris and Lizete V3.skp (2.1 MB)

Edit: I managed a screen shot with the missing materials before they re appeared:

And here after they reappeared. To be clear I did not add or remove anything between these two shots.

Weird indeed. This is what I see for In Model materials on my PC.

You’ve edited your post while I was making screenshots and typing. What did you do to make the materials appear?

Maybe @colin can address this.

Nothing, I wrote the post and when I clicked back to the window, there they were. :man_shrugging:

Noticing I do not have the solid colours you do…

Weird. Maybe your computer needs to see an exorcist? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I wonder if this might have anything to do with the DCs in the model. BTW, I ran Purge All and got rid of a bunch of stuff although there appear to be no unused materials.

After removing materials from edges with Material Tools and purging again, those solid colors left.

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Will check out Material Tools, and yeah my mac is old and may indeed have Demons which need exorcising, or maybe just some Daemons that need exercise? Funny enough I did just see this movie, worth a watch…

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There is a known issue, where some ways that a material can be added don’t update the window right away. You can switch to another window, and come back, and it will be updated.

The problem hasn’t been fixed yet.

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Thanks for the info Colin!

I remember reporting it earlier this year. I noticed it when copying /cutting / pasting stuff. the materials of the copied / cut elements were gone, clicking on various SU elements didn’t help, clicking on the desktop reloaded the panel.

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