Hey Everyone,
Thought this would be a great place to start looking for a remote drawing/dimensioning part time freelance assistant for our busting-at-the-seams furniture business in central Ohio.
Need someone extremely proficient in 3D rendering based off of everything from client’s “napkin sketches” to full blown architectural plans. You would be drawing 3D renderings as well as doing dimensioning of all parts/pieces needed. Prefer furniture building and hands-on woodworking experience ~ VERY helpful but, happy to mentor and train someone who is great with Sketchup but has little woodworking experience as well. Using Pro 2017. If you have AutoCAD experience, all the better!
Can work remotely through skype meetings and email/text.
I also need a full time project manager that would be working with about 20 local Amish shops but that would require being here in central Ohio Millersburg area.
Pay based on output. The faster and more efficiently you can work, and the less we have to tweak, the more per hour. Very happy to pay the right partner well!
Please only serious inquires who have experience with SU and Layout to start working day one.
We look forward to hearing from all of you who are interested AND qualified. Please understand, it may take a day or 2 to get back with you because right now, I am drawing 12-15 hours a day trying to keep up.
That’s why we need help
Thanks and email to
You can take a look at our website CorlDesign.com but we are just getting it re-worked so it’s not fully loaded with projects yet.
Ron Corl