I’d like to start creating extensions and I’m looking for some advice to help me get started to ensure I get everything I need installed correctly. I’m using Windows 10 and I found the VSCode Project for SketchUp Extension Development page on Github. After reading through its instructions, I’m a little but confused and I’ve got some questions as I’ve been unable to find a fool-proof detailed step-by-step guide for a Windows user:
The Read Me states to that Standalone Ruby is required to be installed on my machine. When I go to the Ruby downloads page, is there a specific version I should be installing, or is the latest version ok to use? Also, do I download ‘with Devkit’ or without?
The RuboCop site also states that “The RuboCop gem must also be installed”, however the command (gem install rubocop-sketchup) initially looks to me like a Linux command. Once Ruby is installed, will this command work fine from the Command Prompt?
Same query as above for the bundle install command
The readme states “Clone the project to your machine”. I’m not too familiar with GitHub but is downloading and unzipping sufficient? If so, where should the contents of the zip file be stored?
Are there any additional steps I need to make to for VSCode to utilize the contents of the downloaded Zip file?
Apologies if the questions are pretty basic but I’m unfamiliar with VSCode (downloaded it briefly a couple of years ago before uninstalling) and also Ruby. I’m used to using VBA with its IDE built into my normal CAD software so everything is already setup for you.
Thanks in advance