Live Modeling the Empire State Building

Modeling live at noon (MDT) today!

Check it out on YoutTube, Facebook, or Twitch!

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Image files for the live model

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That’s two blocks from my apartment :slight_smile:

Empire State Building.skp (1.4 MB)


Where’s the giant ape? And Fay Wray?


King Kong hanging off the building as the SketchUp Live Chopper circles around, hmm…

@TheOnlyAaron, just finished watching your ESB build. I couldn’t make it for the live session, but I sure will for the strat!

I’ve tried to model a Gibson/Fender hybrid I built in the 80s’ ( Gibson Explorer neck, the rest being a mashup) and have had no luck on the body.

Every time I get close, I get the “something is wrong with you model” and instead of fixing it, it breaks it! Why does that happen?

I modeled a Stratocaster several years ago as part of a Mini Maker Faire. Found plans for the guitar online, which gave me what I needed for the body. Couldn’t ever get the neck right, though.stratocaster.skp (6.4 MB)

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I found the neck fairly easy. Push-pull, scale. Perhaps my problem was I made the body (just sanded the heck out of it until it looked right to me) and didn’t have plans?

@davidheim1, I love that! As usual, you rocked it!

But mine has more contours. Maybe I’ll throw what I’ve got over at “woodworking”. But seeing your HG is helpfull. (nice high hat knobs, btw)!

I thank you. The knobs thank you.

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Hey, I know this is a dead topic, but would anyone mind posting a screenshot of the model?
I use SketchUp online and can’t seem to open the file.
I would love to see it!