Live Modeling The Burrow from Harry Potter

Join us at Noon (MDT) today as we model The Burrow from Harry Potter!

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■■■■! This has been my suggestion a number of times and the week you decide to do it I couldn’t watch live :cry: Still a good build, even though I could have given you some great pointers which would have made your life a lot easier. You can check out my model on 3D Warehouse (under Gus) as obviously I was able to take it a lot further than you.

…so, I go to my brother’s house for a Sunday brunch get together today and get sucked into finishing this puzzle. I couldn’t stop till it was done.

Just think: you could have modeled every little puzzle piece of this one!



Couldn’t resist - just had to 3D print this thing! I broke the model into 3 pieces for easier printing and during the print process I learned a lot more on how to streamline the model by breaking out the finer parts to be printed separately. My first mistake was the scale. I made it too small but it was still functional. However, the really fine parts I had to print with my resin printer just to get them to print at that scale. Oddly enough, even at the scale I used the first floor took 24hrs and 24 seconds (try to deliberately do that and you’ll never make it) to finish printing, and that’s with only 10% infill. I also realized after I printed it that there were some details that I would have liked to have added and wasn’t in the original model. Those details I have added to the sketchup model in case I want to do another print. Anyhoo, this was fun! Thanks to Aaron for the totally way-cool model!


This is crazy! Great job!!

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