Live Modeling Game Consoles

Game console head-to-head! The New PS5 vs the new Xbox X! Live modeled in SketchUp!!


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PS5 Controller (Pro Version)



Does this help?

A Closer view:

PS4.skp (181.9 KB)

PS 4 logo - SKP file.


Close up - again!


This was the one I remember using - the Competition Pro!!

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I probably missed this somewhere, but are the live modeling sessions always going to be on Thursdays now? I’ve been unable to find discussion about the time changes.

I guess Aaron is honoring the Finnish Midsummer festivities.

All Trimble staff started working from home sooner than any states began to decree that we should, and we are due to return to the office later than most. Trimble are being very cautious. Not as a surprise as such, but a pleasing outcome, has been that while working at home we’ve all managed to keep up with our workload, and arguably gaining some commute time as well.

I had not heard of ‘Juneteenth’ until a few days ago. But, Trimble chose today to give us the day off, to thank us for the hard work under unusual conditions. As an aside, we sometimes are giving a Friday afternoon off, before a long weekend for example. Poor Aaron has already started his broadcast by then, and emerges at 3pm to find he’s the only one in the office!

Today though he had some notice about that, and is also taking the day off. That’s the main reason it was Thursday this week.

He did say in the stream that things are still up for grabs. Although he has done Friday for at least 18 months, it could be another day instead. Me, I like Friday, you’re starting to wind down, and watching him in a window while you’re wrapping up for the week is good.

Definitely glad for him to have time off! Where’s the best place to see when it will be happening for a given week?