Linear Dimensions Tool in Sketchup Make 2017?

Hi, I am using what seems to be the latest truly free on-board version of Sketchup I can get for PC, so this is Sketchup Make 2017, and I’m unable to find the “linear dimension” tool as shown in tutorials, only a “dimensions” tool (“A1” with an arrow) which will not allow me to define two points of a line and strikes me as particularly useless.

I’ve looked in the “extension warehouse” to see what such tools might be available for Sketchup 2017, but the only thing that comes close gives me an “incompatability” message when I try to download.

What can I do ? Thank you very much for yoru help.


Use the Dimension tool not the text tool. It looks like a dimension.


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Hi, thank you for responding. yes, that’s the icon for the tool I want (linear dimensions) but I can’t find it in the standard toolbox options of Sketchup 2017. I am a relative beginner, so maybe I’m just missing some obvious step in finding tools.

Which toolbar are you looking in? It’s in the Large Toolset. It is not in the Getting Started tool bar, though. It’s also available in the Construction toolbar and via the Tools menu.

Access those other toolbars under the View menu.

Hi, Thank you for responding, but that tool seems unavailable in my version of Sketchup, or I’m not lookng in the right place. I only have the “A1” with arrow tool.

FOUND IT ! Couldn’t find it as an actual tool to display but had to select “large toolset” and it gave me more than I wanted. Wonder if I can customize this but at least I have it !

You can create custom toolbars under View Toolbars and then drag tools from the native toolbars to the custom one(s). I’ve created a pair of custom toolbars to replace the Large Toolset but I don’t normally use dimensions or labels in SketchUp so I omitted them from my toolbars along with buttons for Orbit and Pan and 3D Text.

Ah, ok, thanks for the tip. “Beginners stuff”, but very helpful to a beginner !

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