Line won't snap to mesh to close hole!

Hey there, made a terrain mesh from lidar data and when i exported stl file in sketchup there was some holes in mesh, i tried to close them with line tool but it won’t snap to corners of hole, it is snaping everywhere around model, but not the corners, i turned off lenght snpping and scaled model x1000.
What am i doing wrong?

Hard to tell without seeing the model.
Post it here (in the reply or with a file sharing service).

You might have to triangulate the surface to get it to close.

As you can see it is snapping but way of the corner, i can’t even get green snapping point.

Share your model.

Are you using old or new graphics engine?

How small is the hole you are trying to fill?

Are your graphics drivers up to date? What graphics card do you have (fill out your profile).

I added link to file above, it’s quite big file because it’s terrain file.
I am using new graphics engine, all drivers are up to date and i am using nvidia rtx 4070 gpu.
About hole size it’s about 1-2 meters big.

Have you tried using an extension like Topo shaper

No, but i will try.

Your terrain component is huge, because the component axes are off in the distance.
Right click on the Terrain and choose Change Axes, then slowly click three times near the global axis. This should make your component workable.

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I don’t know what it relay did, but i was able to fill the hole!
Thanks a lot!

It even fixed grass texture lol.