Layout- taking up to 15 minutes to process simple moves

Hi There,

I’m becoming increasingly frustrated using Layout lately. I’m at the beginning of a residential renovation, with 2D floorplan for two levels and only a few rooms extruded into the 3D.

Sketchup is working a little slow, but layout is my bug bear…

I have sent sketchup dwg to layout in one of my standard templates (supplied by sketchup). I’m trying to just detail the 2D floorplan with dimensions and after one dimension, it can take up 15 minutes to process the movement. I might just zoom into the plan a bit closer and then spinning wheel will start again for another 15 minutes.

I am working on the latest imac- quad core processer with 32GB RAM. A really powerful system with high memory and I’m not having any other issues with my imac, just when using layout.So I’m feeling like layout has something sinister going on.

Can anyone help?

Are you able to share these SU and LO file?

Layout’s speed is a regular topic here. With an up to date iMac and plenty of RAM, you should have less problems than most. However, I have just moved from a late 2012 iMac to a new one that is even more powerful than yours. SU really flies on it but LO performance is only marginally better.

How big is the SU file? I mean in terms of numbers of edges and faces? Do you notice a difference when dealing with smaller sized drawings?

Thanks @PaulMcAlenan and @simoncbevans for trying to help out.

Here is the link to my files. Dropbox - File Deleted

This project is really only at the very early stages, so it shouldn’t be too big. I’m not sure how to find how many faces and edges are in my SU file.

Upon opening this layout file today it took 20minutes just to open. This is really frustrating and not sustainable practice for a business. I’ve never had such big delay times with LO, it’s always been slow but not at the point of ridiculous. Archicad fees might just outweigh the pain of downtime and pain from using LO…

Hopefully, it’s just a simple reason and someone might be able to find the solution?

Just for reference, your file opens in approx 16 seconds on my fairly slow PC.

Thanks @box, that’s interesting to know. So perhaps the my pc has something sinister in the background that doesn’t like LO? hmmm… look forward to others thoughts.

In addition to potential gremlins in your computer, you could clean things up.

Incorrect tag/layer usage.
Screenshot - 10_10_2020 , 8_13_06 PM

Lots of unused stuff.
Screenshot - 10_10_2020 , 8_13_22 PM

Using Wireframe for your plan view isn’t a great idea. Every edge in the model has to be processed and many of the edges aren’t visible because they are behind other edges of they are being displayed end on in the plan view. Better to use a section cut.

Thanks @DaveR appreciate your time and feedback. I’ll take onboard.

That’s interesting because I do normally do section cuts for floorplans, but I was trying out a different process this time and interesting that this may have had a significant effect on my detailing.

You might also run CleanUp3 on your models from time to time. I ran it on yours after I purged unused stuff and fixed the incorrect tag usage. It would be a really good idea to run it on components you get from the 3D Warehouse before you add them to your project model.
Screenshot - 10_10_2020 , 8_45_35 PM

The cleanup I did resulted in a 29% reduction in the size of your SketchUp model and about a 42% reduction in the size of the LayOut file.

Thanks @DaveR thats a huge improvement from running CleanUp3. I’ll get onto that extension.

I’m unsure what you mean by incorrect tag usage?

All edges and faces in your model should be untagged. Only objects (groups and components) should get tags. I ran a plugin from from TIG called Default Layer Geometry which also works to untag all the edges and faces in the model. As you can see from the screen shot from its report, there were over 5600 edges and over 2000 faces that had tags. Tagging geometry has the potential to create all sorts of problems you don’t want to have to spend time dealing with.

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Ok wow thanks Dave, I had no idea. This could be my gremlin!

Appreciate your time and efforts, thank you.

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@DaveR How do I get this plugin " ran a plugin from from TIG called Default Layer Geometry which also works to untag all the edges and faces in the model" ?

Thank you

Default Layer Geometry is available from Sketchucation. You need to be a member to get extensions from there but you should be anyway as there is a huge number of extensions and other resources available there that aren’t available elsewhere.

Best would be to install the Sketchucation Tool and use it to install extensions from there.

I was about the same on my MacBook Pro. Then I did a purge on the model, which took a while, and I relinked the skp in LayOut. That took so long that I had to leave it overnight to finish.

I also did an update of the template, and made the other image be external, instead of only being in the working folder After those changes the file open in 10 seconds. I did CleanUp3 and it came down to 6 seconds.

Here’s my set of files, you may need to select Update when you first open the LayOut file.

I’m running a 2019 MacBook Pro w/ Catalina, 64GB RAM, 2.4 GHz 8-core, AMD Radeon Pro. I was able to open the sketchup drawing in 8 seconds. The layout drawing took 11 seconds, and the reference update took 3 seconds. I didn’t run CleanUp3 on the sketchup file.
I also added some dimensions and notes, then moved them around a bit. Seemed pretty smooth to me (but you also only have a single viewport, not multiple stacked viewports).