LayOut not showing section planes

I have a scene in Sketchup showing my section planes. They are not active in that scene, I just want them visible for the purposes of the presentation.
When I import the scene in LayOut, the section planes become invisible. When I enter the viewport, they appear as they are in Sketchup, but when I exit the viewport, they disappear. I checked the style many times and played with changing it, but it didn’t help.
Please advice!
Thank you.

Share the LO file so we can see what you are working with.

There is an issue withsection planes not showing when viewed edge-on in Parallel Projection. Could also be something else in your case.

The file is too big and over the limit of 16 MB.
How can I share it?
I am attaching screenshots here.

Upload it to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link.

here it is

Layout project presentation template.layout

First thing I notice is that you’ve overridden the Camera properties for the viewports in your LayOut file. This tells LayOut to ignore any changes you make in SketchUp to the scenes that involve the Camera.

I also notice that you’ve got the model set up off to the side in the model window in SketchUp. Why is that?

I’m still digging but your model is kind of troublesome and very slow to update. I think the main issue is what I described earlier. You are running into the known issue of section planes not being displayed when viewed edge on.

Here’s another issue with modifying the Camera position in LayOut. This plan view with the dimensions has had the Camera position moved.

If something happens to cause a Reset of the Camera for that viewport you have a mess to deal with.

If your scene is set up correctly in the SketchUp model and you avoid clicking into the viewport to pan or zoom the camera, there will be no mess to create and you’ll save yourself time from the initial setup in SketchUp through to the completion of your project.

“First thing I notice is that you’ve overridden the Camera properties for the viewports in your LayOut file. This tells LayOut to ignore any changes you make in SketchUp to the scenes that involve the Camera.”

  • I didn’t do this on purpose. LayOut is fairly new to me. Where is this setting?
    “I also notice that you’ve got the model set up off to the side in the model window in SketchUp. Why is that?”
    I am sorry, but I don’t understand what you mean by that. Can you please explain?

Which setting are you referring to? It appears that you’ve modified the Camera properties for every viewport in the LayOut file. Based on the change I see when resetting the viewports, it looks like you are double clicking on the viewport and panning the camera to get the model to show inside it. Part of the reason you need to adjust the viewport is because your model is not centered within the model window in SketchUp.

As you can see in the screenshot from SketchUp of the elevation with the section planes, the model is off center and you’re zoomed out to make the model relatively small in the model window. Here, I’ve fixed that scene by using Zoom extents.

By centering the model within the SketchUp model window the model will be displayed centered in the viewport in LayOut and you won’t need to double click into the viewport to pan the camera.

Almost all of the scenes in your SketchUp file needed this centering of the model.

I guess since you are new to LayOut, it would be wise to start with the LayOut tutorials at

Is this LayOut file you shared intended to be a template for other projects going forward?

Oh, I didn’t know that. Thank you so much for the insight.
Yes, I was planning to use it as a template for future projects.

I was talking abot the camera override. You said “First thing I notice is that you’ve overridden the Camera properties for the viewports in your LayOut file. This tells LayOut to ignore any changes you make in SketchUp to the scenes that involve the Camera.”
How can I fix that?

Look in the SketchUp Model panel on the right. Click on the Reset button in the Camera section.

With every viewport in the template having its Camera properties modified it will be a very difficult template to work with since the viewports will not show the scenes as you create them in the model.

Going back to your original question, until such time as the developers sort out the display of section planes, here’s a simple work around.

  1. In the SketchUp model create a group from slice for each section.

  2. Give the groups from slice a tag. I called it "Groups from slices.
  3. In LayOut ensure the Groups from slices tag is displayed for the viewport. Use those groups to align the section indicators. I’ve just done the top and bottom here.
  4. After your sections are marked, go into the Tags section of the SketchUp model panel and turn off the tag for the Groups from slices.

Thank you for your prompt responses. This was very helpful session.

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