Does Layout have any Furniture templates in a Scrapbook? I am overlaying a floorplan that is a PDF and want to plug in beds and tables. It would make my life so much more simple if there were templates. Most of the time I draw furniture with the line and square tool. Thanks!
The 3D Warehouse has quite a few options for furniture in plan view. You could insert them into SketchUp and use that to make your own scrapbook. Start by search ‘2D furniture’.
That worked. Now I have them saved into sketchup. When I sent it to Layout the furniture pieces became 1 big entity like a jpg. How do I get them into Layout Scrapbook as individual pieces?
There’s a couple of ways you can do it. Perhaps the best is to make separate scenes in SketchUp for each piece of furniture so you can create separate viewports in LO. Arrange those viewports in LO for an efficient arrangement and render them as Vector or Hybrid. You could sort the furniture into types, too. Make sure to select an appropriate scale for the furniture so it’ll fit into your drawings. Then use File>Save as template.
Another option would be to make a single scene and viewport showing all of the furniture. Render as above and explode the viewport. Then ungroup until there’s nothing left to ungroup and then re-group by the piece of furniture. It’s not unusual for groups from the exploded viewport to contain lines from different parts of the model. Then save as a scrapbook.
Using the first method means that the furniture elements will still be Sketchup models which can be opened in SketchUp for editing. In addition, you’ll be able to scale them if you need a different scale than you originally selected.
Thanks! I will try this in the next few days and let you know how it goes.
Although this post is old, I’m leaving this here as a note. The Scaled Drawing feature in LayOut is a good intermediate solution to avoid redrawing symbols from scratch when there are scaling issues.