Layout for Woodworkers

I’m accomplished at modeling woodworking projects in SU. Can someone point me to a simple, direct, and readable explanation of using LayOut to present my models? It would be helpful if it’s a relatively recent explanation. I’m using SU 2024.

If you haven’t done the tutorials on using LayOut from you might check them out. Not specific to woodworking but good to get you started.

Check your PMs.

Time to update your forum profile. :wink:

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Thank you. I think you’ve provided a good learning link. I’ll investigate that before pursuing the info in your PM, but I’ll keep that option open. Thanks again.

In addition to Campus, and more specific to Woodworking, check out Tyson’s Live Stream -

Thanks, but this presentation is typical of many that I’ve seen. The presenter bounces around in LO and only sometimes explains exactly what he’s doing. The video wasn’t very helpful.