Layout export pdf layer

When I export my layout in pdf and open it with my pdf software (adobe acrobat reader), I can see the photos in full even if they are hidden behind rectangles, and the same for the sketchup files.
Here are some illustrations of my words:

Sans titre.pdf (1.5 MB)
Sans titre.layout (1.9 MB)
I also tried flattening them on the web, but that doesn’t work either
is there a solution?

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Alexis O.

euh… sur mac je vois en pdf comme dans layout.

sur tes captures, les éléments en bleuté signifient généralement que tu as sélectionné les images.

I see the pdf as it is in layout. to me it means the images / viewport are selected in adobe acrobat. can’t check, I got rid of adobe.

This is what I see when I open your file in Adobe Acrobat Reader on my PC.

What version of Reader are you using? This is mine:

FWIW, I also opened your PDF in PDF24 Reader and it looks like the pages in your LO file.

I also don’t see anything out of the ordinary in either the PDF viewer in Google Chrome or my old Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.

Sorry I expressed myself badly.
When I open the pdf reader (adobe acrobat reader), I see like you.
But I would like it to be impossible to select the image, to be impossible to copy or to see if a photo has been cropped
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That’s not a thing for LayOut then, it’s a thing for Adobe Acrobat or another PDF editor. You can change the security to prevent copying images.

It doesn’t appear to be an editable thing in the version of Acrobat Reader that I have.

Is there a reason you aren’t cropping images before inserting them into LayOut?

As @DaveR says, you can change the security settings in Acrobat Standard or Professional. There is a catch: some third-party PDF editors don’t honour them.

Another way would be to use a PDF printer instead of the PDF Export feature, and choose the “print as image” option when printing. This will flatten all the items on the page and combine them into a raster image.

Yet another trick: export image files instead of PDF, and combine them later to a PDF in a PDF editor like Acrobat or PDF Xchange Editor.

The ultimate way to protect your work is not to give it to anyone. For paid work there are established rules about the usage, without the need for crippling technical safeguards.

thanks for your answers,
@DaveR I use layout to make building permits
I insert scans of old building permits and I scale them then I hide the excess.
It’s also to use only 1 software and for speed

@Anssi thanks I will look at it Monday at work

Alexis O.

Seems to me it would make things faster for you and you would get exactly what you need in your document if you’d first open the image in an image editor and crop it. That won’t add that much time to your process and you won’t need to worry about others getting a copy of the entire image but whatever you want. They’re your projects.

@DaveR how can i change this?

Use Acrobat or another PDF editor to modify that.

And note that users can easily remove the restrictions you place, with free online tools.

As an architect, I still don’t understand why you want to tease your clients with this. You have scanned old documents that probably already belong to your clients, or are in the public domain.

I agree with Anssi. Inserting a cropped image into LayOut would at least ensure that others can’t copy the parts you are including.