Hi, I am using some dwg files in my project, together with Sketchup files, and I want to keep everything in Layout. I realized I can import a dwg files in basically three ways: as dwg Model Space and Paper Space, but the original file disappears and simply imports a Layout group of lines, or as SketchUp Model Reference. I would prefer this last mode, so I could modify the original file and see the modifications in Layout, as it happens with Sketchup. But the original CAD file is incorporated so I lost the reference with the original file. Also the incorporated file is not the original CAD, and a negative consequences is that I lost attributes like lines weights. The optimal solution would be that Layout worked as a real Paper Space for dwg files too, with a direct connection with the original file, as it works now with Sketchup files. Could it be a future feature?
So you really want LO to be a DWG viewer ?.. technically not sure if it is possible but I wouldn’t hold high hopes for it it be implemented…
Why dont’ you just insert your DWGs as high quality jpeg files (if on a PC) or as PDF (if on a MAC)… of course creating JPEGS from Autocad can be a clumsy process and why LO has not implemented PDF import for us on PCs is one more of the baffling inadaquacies of LO…
Data exchange in CAD systems is really frustratingly poor and should have been resolved long ago and most companies seem hell bent on protecting their own proprietory ecosystems… not the interest of end users…
As @gsharp mentioned, those .dwg’s are ‘protected’ and it is not likely they will grant this to be implemented.
It would be nice if you could import it in Trimble Connect, though, and then import as reference which could be (semi) automated updated
You suggest an indirect way to insert a raster image of external file into layout. Btw sometimes I used this technique with Sketchup viewports to avoid to slow down LO with a direct link. But it seems to me that LO is now half way to be a real Paper Space for files others than SU. As LO is designed to be a stand alone content software for 2D technical drawings, I think it should be able to import all external files as kind of Xref.
I totally agree that LO needs to be able to import PDF files on PCs too…
I never tried Trimble Connect, as I have a classical licence and, as far as I know, there are limitations in the number of projects that can uploaded. I also do not know how it works. Could you please explain why it can update refererences in a more efficient way than offline LO?
I said it would be nice, eg. it is not implemented, yet.
What you can do now is import SketchUp models as reference in SketchUp. It would be nice if you could import dwg as reference, too. If properly linked in LayOut, it would see upon opening that something has changed. (Semi-automated)
For now, Trimble Connect can only open Sketchup models for editing purpose, but it can displays multiple models at the same time and other formats, too (pointclouds, dwg, dxf, pdf, manual notes as image, etc)
If someone who is responsible for the .dwg and updates them in the project, you get instant result!
It sort of acts as a reference manager.
Every one gets one project (10Gb) for free with Trimble Connect.
By the way, these types can be referenced in LayOut:
SketchUp Models
Images (formats need to be the same eg. replace .png with .png, jpg with jpg, etc)
.csv or tables
All these references are shown in the Document properties
(autotexts) You can replace autotext in the unzipped .layout files, but is is a bit of a hack.
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