SketchUp LayOut(Window10) When I click to start the presentation, the current page’s resolution is correct, but when I switch other pages, the screen resolution is enlarged, showing only parts.
Hi Andrew, thanks for bringing this to our attention. This looks to be related to screen resolution. When your screen resolution is to anything other than 100% (default) then you will see the issue you have described.
I have captured this bug in our system.
You can right-click on the desktop and in display settings move the scale applications sliders to the default value, as a work around for now.
Here’s Microsoft’s article on the general problem of Hi-DPI support, I’m sure LayOut isn’t the only app to show problems:
Hello, thanks for your reply. My display settings have always been the default (100%), but the LayOut problem still remains unresolved.
Thank you for your reply, the SketchUp team is awesome! Your official forum is very active, but also for the user in a timely manner to answer questions. Since I often make presentations with LayOut, and I use LayOut instead of PPT, I do not need too many animations, and I feel that LayOut is also very handy in presentation production, so I found this bug.
Hi Andrew that is interesting and I am not sure why the results are different using 100%. Are you using dual monitors or presenting on a projector? Trying to figure out why I am not seeing this.
Oh! Oh my god! Forget to tell you Since I usually modeled, I used two displays, but SketchUp Pro 2017 did not.
I try to use only one monitor operation, WIN10 monitor zoom and layout is also adjusted to 100%, but the BUG still exists, I do not know if this is a problem, or group problems, our company several colleagues installed SU2018 Click to start the demonstration Will appear this BUG.
Hey Andrew, I have tried this on a 4k and smaller(1920x1280) display to try to reproduce but nothing yet.
What is your screen display size?
Does this occur with all sheet sizes?
Hello, Thank you for your willingness to take the time to answer my question.
As shown in the picture, this is the picture I clicked to start the demo. I used A3 paper. The first paper was the correct one. When I clicked on the next paper, the second and third papers were misplaced .
My monitor brand is Dell U2715H with a resolution of 2560X1440.
I use the SketchUp version 2018 Simplified Chinese version, the BUG do not know if it is only exists in Simplified Chinese version?
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