Landscaping plans on sketchup for iPad

Hi all

I am new to Sketchup, as I could never get the hang of the dekstop version, I am getting slowly used to the iPad version though! My issue is all I seem able to do is drawn everything in squares and blocks of colour. I cant get curves to work no matter what I try. I also cant seem to save materials to Material section so each project I try to create I have to download each material again such as porcelain paving or blocks etc.

I also find it hard to drawn on the vertical axis also, things I try to draw end up all over the place and it seems as if its down to pure luck that I can build a fence ha! Is there any landscaping/garden design specific training available for the iPad version?

The nice thing about the iPad version is that it does everything that the native desktop version can do. Which means you wouldn’t necessarily need an iPad specific tutorial for landscaping.

Use whichever tutorial you like the look of after familiarizing yourself with the basic tools. :grin:

As far as curves, you can use the arc tools, or with the apple pencil, I personally would recommend putting down a flat surface to ground yourself and then use the freehand tool to draw whichever curves you like.

Did you have a specific example of something you were trying to model/recreate?

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Thankl you so much for your reply, When I try with the apple pencil the curve that I try to draw immediately turns into a 3D object instead of a nice curve on the ground to create a flower bed or a curve in a driveway. I’ll try a few more you tube videos and see how I get on. Is there a way to freehand a curve and sketchup just sharpens it up instead of making it 3D?

Are you sure you’re using the freehand tool? It almost sounds as if you’re using auto shape?