Hello Developers, it is time for another Developer MeetUp, back to our targeet date, the first Wednesday of the month 2023-06-07T14:00:00Z.
June MeetUp - A continuation on our Graphics Pipeline Improvements
Back in March we held a meetup discussing work we are doing on our graphics pipeline. Let’s continue that conversation with an update of what we are working for developers that have been accessing our OpenGL pipeline directly. We have some progress to demo and we will be looking for feedback on the direction we are taking with this new work.
Join our Developer MeetUp mailing list at the link provided below. We will send out a link to the MeetUp an hour before the meeting starts, only to the people that have joined the mailing list. We will be letting people into the meeting 10 minutes before our planned start time. If you have RSVP’d to a previous MeetUp, you do not need to sign up again.
Join our Developer MeetUp mailing list HERE (It’s a simple Google Form)