Hello Developers, it is time for another Developer MeetUp, on our scheduled date, the first Wednesday of the month 2024-02-07T15:00:00Z.
February MeetUp - Cassidy Shipley, the Product Manager for the Graphics Team
Cassidy is going to talk to us about the graphics engine his team has been working on. His topics will include some of the features we’ve seen in the recent beta testing builds, and some features that have not been shown yet. It will be a lot of fun and very interesting!
Hope to see you there!
Join our Developer MeetUp mailing list at the link provided below. We will send out a link to the MeetUp an hour before the meeting starts, only to the people that have joined the mailing list. We will be letting people into the meeting 10 minutes before our planned start time. If you have RSVP’d to a previous MeetUp, you do not need to sign up again.
Join our Developer MeetUp mailing list HERE (It’s a simple Google Form)