March Developer MeetUp - Date Change!

March MeetUp Postponed by 1 week
Hello Developers, it is time for another Developer MeetUp, but this month we are moving to the 2nd Wednesday - 1 week later than usual. We will have our MeetUp on 2022-03-08T15:00:00Z.

March MeetUp - Updating the SketchUp Rendering Engine!

We have been working on a new version of the internal rendering pipeline. We will be moving off of OpenGL. Thayer Andrews from the SketchUp graphics team will be there to discuss what these changes mean for developers and help answer questions.

We will be specifically interested in understanding the use cases for developers who are currently accessing our OpenGL pipeline directly. How can we help you transition to our new rendering engine. We plan to have an open discussion to help gather requirements for ensuring extensions are able to migrate to our new rendering pipeline.


Join our Developer MeetUp mailing list at the link provided below. We will send out a link to the MeetUp an hour before the meeting starts, only to the people that have joined the mailing list. We will be letting people into the meeting 10 minutes before our planned start time. If you have RSVP’d to a previous MeetUp, you do not need to sign up again.

Join our Developer MeetUp mailing list HERE (It’s a simple Google Form)


Ugh, just seen this. Can’t make tomorrow unfortunately, but super keen on understanding more from Trimble engineering team on integration plans.

Pretty please: 3pm your time is 11pm in Europe. If you could try having things like this earlier in your day next time it would be much appreciated.

Hey Adam, it is at 8am our time. The forum posts the time for you locally. So it should be at 3pm in your time.


You are a star Chris. Thank you.

Is the link for the meeting sent? I have not received anything. The last email I got was about the change of date.

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Same here… @ChrisFullmer?

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I have not received the link eighter.

I’m glad I’m not the only one. I thought I had the wrong date

The link email just arrived.

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Received as well…Still waiting to be let in though.

Did anyone enter yet?

Ok, I got in!

Coders who could not attend would really enjoy a synopsis or a link to a vid on the SketchUp YouTube channel.


I’m not a developer but I would like to know a bit of the sketchup roadmap, I really hope sketchup and layout rendering improves for macos and windows, for now it’s imposible to work with big projects on sketchup and layout.