November 2021 Developer MeetUp

Hello SketchUp Developers

It is time for another Developer MeetUp, as promised on the first Wednesday of the month 2021-11-03T14:00:00Z.

October Presentation Mark Harrison will be presenting a preview of a feature we sometimes refer to internally as OmniBar.

Mark your calendars! We will be hosting these virtual MeetUps the first wednesday of every month.

Join our Developer MeetUp mailing list at the link provided below. We will send out a link to the MeetUp an hour before the meeting starts, only to the people that have joined the mailing list. We will be letting people into the meeting 10 minutes before our planned start time. If you have RSVP’d to a previous MeetUp, you do not need to sign up again.

Join our Developer MeetUp mailing list HERE (It’s a simple Google Form)

See you in the MeetUp!


I couldn’t be there, unfortunately. Is there a recording?

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Somehow I never see these until after the fact. Someone please add me to whatever list so I am notified prior to these meet ups. I would love to attend.

We have found a solution for making the videos available. We’ll announce it when they are ready.


Done, thank-you.