Is this possible with follow me tool?

Despite they were very detailed instructions it took me a while to get it :sob::sob:
But It worked like a charm.


I want to make clear what happened (without I’m like a little donkey)

At first I understood what you said here:

“The Path needs to start and end perpendicular to the desired face orientation.”

I understood your statement, but I didn’t thought it was possible situate the circle edges that way, so … I made one quarter of the circle, I exploded it, and I use autofold to move the last edges to make 90 degree. That’s why this shape doesn’t look like a real arc :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

While I was following your instructions I wondered how you knew I need to rotate it 7,5 degree.
Repeating the process I realised that if I work from origin it also tells me when the midpoint of the first edge intersects the green axe.

Now before this post I also did some basic maths with the calculator, 360 / 24 = 15, so each segment is 15 degree, one half will be 7,5 :slight_smile:

But I agree with what @tuckejam says here:

“Sometimes it does exactly what i want,
sometimes my shape is inside out (revers faces)
sometimes it starts behind the beginning of my line then skips a section and then continues on fine.”

I was doing some tests yesterday to understand a little bit follow me tool with some successful, I also did some tests today to understand better what was happening, but it seems I still have some troubles understanding the tool.

DaveR I apologize for the time I stole you with this question :frowning:

Thank you so much as always.