Is it possible to "dynamically link" SKP models?

When working on large projects (developing 6 models of homes at the same time, for example), the CPU/memory load is ridiculous, even when using components, Cleanup3, and FredoGhost.

Also, it’s hard to maneuver into an out of a model to adjust something in a specific room, just in terms of hiding/unhiding/section views/all that jazz.

Also, if there are multiple people working on various aspects of the project, i.e. our team as the space planners, plus the architect for the structural stuff, plus the kitchen designer on the kitchens, etc - things get complicated and overwritten.

Is it at all possible to keep, for example, the kitchen “module” as a separate SKP file that’s somehow linked to a “placeholder” in the main house model, which will update (automatically or on call) if the linked model is changed?

I.e. I have Community.SKP, which contains 6 versions of House.SKP; 4 of these houses have the same Kitchen.SKP, all 6 have the same Master_Bathroom.SKP.

Can I have someone update Kitchen.SKP and have those changes manifest inside House.SKP?

Or am I looking for Revit functions outside of Revit?

small voice “please don’t make me learn Revit, please don’t make me learn Revit…”

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If you make components of “sub-assemblies” of the model and save them as a collection and then import them into the larger model, you can edit the components and then reload them into the larger model via the Components panel.

This is just a single pull but it’s the same idea. Right clicking on the imported component in the In Model collection gives you an option to Reload the component. If you’ve edited the component and saved the changes, reloading the component will result in the component being updated.
Screenshot - 9_30_2024 , 8_06_46 PM

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Hm, interesting, thank you!

Can the component be a separate .SKP file (that I can have in a shared Dropbox folder, for example)? Or it’s only in my own personal Sketchup library?

Hello, we use Trimble Connect for collaboration in this case. You can check it beside the save as/reload function as @DaveR mentioned. The save as/reload is not functional enough when working with large project and collab environtment. It’s not have a notification system for changes nor the overlay for external references like the Trimble Connect have.

You should read this about @Fredo6 extension

Yes. The .SKP file can be saved and accessed from anywhere for example as you say, a shared Dropbox folder.

In the Components Panel click on the Arrow, and choose “Open a local collection” then navigate to where the folder containing room components is and click “Open”.