So I am a newbie to sketchup and I am doing it for school. I am trying to make an ipad and now is the time to make the logo of it. I couldnt make it and so i downloaded a model to help me and i used the insert tool to insert it into components. It says it should be in my components but it isnt. Thus my issue is that I cant see items in my component list except the guy that is there to scale.
Please help fast!
oh, btw this is sketchup for web not normal
Sorry, your ‘help fast’ probably means this is for a class and you waited to long.
Given that, your description of your problem is terrible, and is likely to result in little if no help.
If you still need or want help, you might try slowing down and describing your problem clearly. After that step (and ONLY after that step), you could share your Sketchup file.
Forum folks are super helpful, but only if you give evidence that you have put some work trying to solve your own problem.
Lots of folks to help, limited time for moochers and slackers.
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