Inferencing in Layout '24 now problematic!

Hi all, I am glad this discussion is going on both good and bad. We learn a lot when our users are so descriptive as to the pain points.

The main reason this work was done for ease of use with less inferences that can be pulling you in all sorta directions and speed. Previously on any given object we had a base of 5 (each corner and the precision gizmo location) that would be looking for connections when moving an object. We now only use the your mouse down location for inferences.

As we are gathering this information and making additional ‘tweaks’ to how this is working one update that is often overlooked is we now provide the ability to turn the precision gizmo off with the cmd (Mac) or Alt (Windows) key on the keyboard that can assist in finding the center without selecting/moving the gizmo. FYI this should work even without needing to add a fill to the object.

We continue to refine this area and with your help we hope to land on something that will be more performant as well as easier to use.



I’m a long time user and have been having similar issues and slow downs. I am trying to understand that “things change” and adapt, but I echo your initial post and loose a lot of time zooming in to make sure I’m selecting the correct point because it’s constantly missing the end point or center if I don’t.
I design in real time in front of clients and it’s definitely slower to make quick edits, I’ve had to give up on accuracy in real time in place of speed and then have to go back and check model parts later to make sure they are where I intended. I agree with your post & wish any time there was an “improvement” lately, they would have a toggle to keep it the original way that some of us rely on.

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Thanks for tuning into this post, Trent!! The issue for me is just the time and loss of workflow, but mostly this new method interrupts “Design Flow”, which is the biggy for me! I know I break from the norm, I design draft home layouts using LayOut as it’s unique in its ability to generate iterations simply by duplicating the page. The shear speed of LayOut and its “Design Flowability” adds to this uniqueness in solving this problem.

This “Flow” is now disrupted, and I’d say with some significance. Now, instead of allowing selections to just be moved to snap, I now need to think through more steps, so this design flow is lost.

I’ve described designing in LayOut to others, as akin to “using a pencil on steroids,” but now every time I draw a line, I need to sharpen that pencil!

I, for one, would love to see a modifier that toggles between inferencing to suit the user, and again, because 2D page layout tools demand a far different workflow to that of 3D modelling! This new functionality makes the workflow in LayOut completely different from all (assumed) page layout tools! I think the developers need to understand, that most SU/LO users likely have an arsenal of tools they use daily; making LayOut’s functionality differ from all these other tools, is likely problematic for all who switch between applications!

This plan, for example, took just two days to design using Layout, and had around 10 iterations along the way. I’d imagine it maybe now 3.5-4. Not due to the added time collecting inferences, but due to lost design flow as a result!

Trent — maybe I’m misunderstanding but I can’t get the centre snap of an object with the move tool if there is no fill applied.

Layout _Find_Centre

Have you tried using Alt then click? That works for me on a PC :+1:

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For the life of me Kevin – I can’t get the centre snap of an object with no fill with the gizmo on or off…


I literally just click the Alt button once AFTER selecting the shape and the centre snap becomes available.

I am still on Win 10 so maybe 11 is different?

Does the circle object have a fill?

I was about to say no, but then I thought I better check and yes it does. As you say, it doesn’t work without a fill :face_with_hand_over_mouth::+1:

So why can’t I see the grid then inside the circle?

Oops, my bad

I think Trent was suggesting this is a feature they are working on!