In the saved files can you replace the Sketchup Logo with the view of the file so you can quickly see the files.
In saved files how to change the Sketchup Logo to a view of the file, as in the older Sketchup files
Presumably you are referring to thumbnails when looking at the folder the files are saved into?
First thing to do is make sure you installed SketchUp correctly. On windows that requires right clicking on the downloaded installer and choosing Run as administrator. If you didn’t do that. Close SketchUp, find the installer, right click on it, choose Run as administrator and then choose the Repair option when it is presented. After the install is complete, do a cold reboot of your computer. Power off completely, wait 10 or 15 seconds and power up. See where you are after that.
Hi Dave, thankyou for your response to my problem.
I have done all that you have said but I have still got the Sketchup Logo in the thumbnails.