Importing IFC to 0,0,0?

Hi there,

I’m searching a solution to import directly an IFC at the origine of an SU project (0,0,0)?

I’ve tryed to add dynamic attributes to move it to 0,0,0 but it’s not easy when the ifc is very big and at a very big distance of the origine

An idea? Or maybe an extension to send a component to a specific position?


from the SketchUp API page on importer options

Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)

  • No options are supported for this type on import.

Suggest (for now) you use the Move Tool.

Do you have an example of a IFC component that you’d like to “Move to Origin” ?

SketchUp Pro always imports the IFC file on the orgin (0, 0, 0). So if the building or object is positioned far from the SketchUp orgin after import, then this is also the case in the IFC file.

I wonder why you want to move the model in SketchUp to the orgin?
It is extremely important if you work together with the BIM working methodology that you make agreements in advance about the zero point of the model. This makes it easy to merge models and makes it quickly clear whether any inaccuracies occur.

You can do two things,:

  1. Check with the author of the IFC model where the orgin is located. Perhaps the real world coordinates have been exported instead of the CAD zero point. Make agreements on this with the complete project team and then request a new IFC export.

  2. If the model coordinates are correct you can move the axes in SketchUp to a reference position in the IFC model. This way you can easily model and refer to the SketchUp axes.

This way, the zero point / orgin is maintained and the models can easily be combined and checked.

If there is no collaboration at all and you want to apply the IFC model in your SketchUp project, you can move the model with the Move tool as suggested by @DanRathbun.

If you only want to apply an Object from the IFC model? Then it is very important that you isolate this via the outliner from the model structure of the imported IFC model. You move the object in your model structure in the outliner under the correct buildingstorey. In the 3D model you move the object with the Move tool.


Hi and thank you for your answers.

I can’t show you my example by now but the idea is to work on my part neear the origine with a ‘working axis origine’ because the position of the Project and its orientation are very far from the origine. TEKLA allow us to work with a working axes and export with the convention base.

The problem when working far from 0,0,0 is as the reference model is heavy and scratchy (that is not the case when at 0), it’s hard to work on my model.

I will try to do this on moving the axis to the convention position…


Hi there,

I’m back with example to show you my problem (with a really simple shape … imagine with a big project :wink: )

ok with a component at the origine
BOX_origine.skp (132.1 KB)

editing far from the origine …
BOX_far.skp (129.5 KB)

position and angle

and (try to) editing the componant … noooo :wink:

here is why i’m to tryning to send the model to the origine … then, when modified … sending it back to its position.

for information, here’s what we can do with TRIMBLE TEKLA


This is a common enough dilemma with all 3D BIM applications. Neither OpenGL nor DirectX work well with large coordinates as used in mapping. Usually this is dealt with by building the BIM models to a local coordinate system agreed by the project participants and using a “survey point” or equivalent to link this to the “global” coordinates. Normal model exchange is then performed using the local coordinates, and exports using the survey point are limited to the cases when the model must be placed to the right place on a map file.

Hi Anssi.

Thanks for you answer. Good a idea, that’s why I want to create a local point for my work before sending it back to the real coordinates :wink:… TEKLA system is simple… And work :+1:


for those interested by the subject :smiley:

thank you Jack ! that’s what i was searching for !

Have a good day Everyone ! and take care !

Be sure to hit the ‘Upload’ button, so the relative position get’s stored in the cloud.
(There is no confirmation indication, but it works, though)
Otherwise, you would have to realign in Trimble Connect, which is more difficult then in SketchUp!

Good job Jack ! :wink:

Thanks a lot !

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