Hi, I received an autocad file that has a contour lines, and when I import the file ‘as is’ into SKP the resulting SKP file has like a block where different parts of the original file are scattered, and some of the layers also occupy different spots on the 3D space of SKP. Does anyone know hot to import the file so that the topography there can be shown in the 3D space as a 3D topography?
Any help appreciated
Best regards
It would be great to see the result of your import … including having a look at the imported Layers.
Can you provide a screenshot or, even better, the dwg/dxf so we can have a look?
There are a lot of unsupported Acad objects in that file which are ignored while import:
Have a look at @Geo nice list here:
thanks, I’ll have a look
It also looks like there were some links to reference files.
I do see contour geometry that one can make terrain from.
Hi Chris
what is topshaper? Is it whitin SKP or is another tool?
topshaper is a Girdle, …fairly close though
Hello Chris
How I could I generate the terrain? from those contours?
After removing some markers and some contours that didn’t seem to belong with the terrain contours (one was subterranean and another set seemed to hover over the main body of contours)…
I used TopoShaper on the remaining selection set
By following some of the above suggestions from @Geo I removed a number of layers.
Stil don’t understand why SKP divided the main drawing in two parts like in the following image:
The smaller form below should be embedded in the upper form, at the right hight/contours in the form above. (and Id’ need it to be there anyway). But now I can see that is a flat figure, eg: there is no hight info in the contours of that piece of image (I realized that when I tried to lift it to fit in the higher image with contours.
Also there is another form (may be embedded also in the Acad drowing but not explicitly visible), a grid, where the information about altitude is provided:
Is this of any use to me (in order to generate the terrain)? and wonder why SKP put it there (at such a distance) from the rest of the drawings.
Also do I need Topshaper to create the terrain or can I do it from what SKF already offers?
You dont have to use Toposhaper. Infact, it may not be what you want as it does a bit of “averaging” in order to generate the orderly terrain grid.
You can use SketchUp’s Sandbox > From Contours tool to generate a terrain TIN directly from the contour’s vertices.
Ok, done, but how do I “repaint” the object created so that I can cover the triangles and give a color to the terrain?