I am having an issue with importing a 3ds file into sketchup. Even though the 3ds model does indeed have textures, Sketchup 2017 shows now textures and is all gray when I import it. No error message of any kind, just no textures at all upon import.
Not sure about the 3ds file, but for the obj file, the materials file is Daikenki.mtl, so renaming the existing mtl file to that name, and then placing the images in a ‘textures’ directory, the model will import with textures. P2_Samurott.skp (823.5 KB)
To reiterate @Centaur.
The OBJ/MTL file combo will not work because the OBJ file is written to look for an MTL file named ‘Daikenki.mtl’
The MTL file supplied with ‘P2_Samurott.obj’ uses the same name as the OBJ itself !
If you rename the MTL file to ‘Daikenki.mtl’', then it will find it.
However, since the MTL file is itself looking for image files in ‘Textures.…’ etc, it will not find them - because the JPG files are currently supplied in the same folder as the OBJ/MTL files.
You can fix this by copying those two JPG files into a new subfolder named ‘Textures’…
If that works we then know that at least the OBJ/MTL work as they should.
Because the 3DS file is binary encoded, it’s harder to see what images [if any] it might be looking for.
Perhaps having the JPG files in ‘Textures’ will work ?