I imported a CMU block pattern from a jpeg and it’s a very clean, flat section of several courses. When I applied it to an object in my model, the courses are lined up horizontally, though the vertical mortar joints are in odd patterns. How do I edit or adjust these. I’ve tried the dimensions in the material palette tools, but no luck.
Can you share the image so we can see what you’ve got? Very likely you will need to edit the image in an image editor.
Here is the file and two of several CMU colours I’m playing with. I would also like to size them to match the actual blocks (these are 190 x 190 x 390mm which are close to US 8" x 8" x 16").
CMU pattern.skp (3.2 MB)
There’s nothing wrong with the texture images. They are seamless. It’s the way you applied the texture to the tower by applying it to the group container instead of the faces inside the group like you should have. Also by applying the texture to the faces inside, you get the opportunity to easily size it so the blocks are the right height.
Ah, I see. It’s always the simple things. Thanks for the help Dave.
I spoke to soon, in “edit group” I selected a face (odd shapes get highlighted, I guess due to the curve), then applied the cmu texture, but the ‘texture’ option is not visible in the menu when right clicking. The only way I can find that option is if I unhide the geometry and then adjust each segment of the cylinder, but this means repeating this to each of the 120 segments. Hopefully there is an easier way and I am missing something. I did search this topic in the forum before posting this, but can’t seem to find an answer.
edit: I found this thread which was informative, but I still can’t get the texture to work:
Once you adjust one segment, hide the geometry again and paint the lot.
I tried that, still doesn’t work. The block course pattern is all off.
Here is an updated file with the texture sized to match 200mm block (I used the guidelines to set the pattern). I applied the texture to adjacent faces and then lined them up as the block would be laid, this dictates the height of the openings as well.
cmu pattern.skp (3.1 MB)
Just noticed you are on a Mac, can’t help, I’m Win only.
No worries, thanks anyways.
Clean up your model and get rid of all those internal faces first.
Then do as Box suggested. Turn off Hidden Geometry, get the Paint Bucket tool, hold Command and sample the material from one of the faces, release Command and apply the texture to the rest of the wall.
Thanks for that Dave, though I’m afraid to report back I still had problems. I was starting to suspect there was hidden geometry so did clean that up (I guess those hidden faces are a result of push/pull applications), but the pattern still did not apply correctly. If you look closely at your gif, the patterns are not correct everywhere either. I ended up painting each face (with hidden geometry shown) and it seemed to work. Then I made a new model of each block made as a component and then stacked in a running bond. This dictates the height and width of openings and how the adjacent structures connect. This info was then entered into a block tally spreadsheet which allows analysis of constructability, cost and schedule.
This is interesting technology: