Another interesting task, recently was another in which someone wanted to get a 3D mesh from a LAS file (Lidar). Follow that discussion to understand the steps you need to take.
- First of all, I imported half of your data (ie first 1,000,000 points) into a Google Sheets file. I saved them in a CSV file, with commas as a separator between the 3 numbers.
- In CloudCompare I imported the CSV file, generated the 3D surface and saved as a PLY file.
- In MeshLab I simplified the 3D mesh from PLY file, reducing it from 2,000,000 faces to 50,000 and I exported as a OBJ file.
- In SketchUp, I used Universal Importer and imported the OBJ file, without reducing the number of faces.
Your txt file has 2,000,000 points, probably you could use the TIG plugin Coords-Tag from Datum to import them and create points in SketchUp, which you can then use with TopoShaper to generate a 3D surface, but I think you would need a very powerful computer for that.