Import a logo or shape and AUTO-TRACE so I can extrude it

import a logo and auto-trace so I can extrude it

Are you asking a question?

Hi @robert, thanks for the post. I am happy to show you how to do it manually, but to automatically generate a 3D design from a imported image is not supported by native tools as far as I am aware.

Also, please make sure that you clearly state your question with proper sentence structure and grammar when possible. Most of us who are on these forums are pretty skilled with SketchUp but we can not read minds or intentions. We can only see what text or images you post.

Do you have access to Adobe Illustrator? If so, you can trace it there and then export a DWG file, which should import well into SketchUp and meet your needs.

haha…feels like “Jeopardy” so…
I have a logo created from type and converted to outlines. I want to bring it into a SketchUp model so I can extrude it and manipulate it. So my question is “Is there an auto-trace feature that can create a shape which I can then extrude rather than use the freehand tool or the other arc tools?”
Yes, I could simply use the type tool, but I find that it doesn’t duplicate the typeface I’m using accurately. (It displays a different weight of the type than is specified.)
Thanks for your quick reply!

Casey, I’ve had another reply admonishing me for the “proper question” format. Sorry about that. I’m new to these forums.

I have a logo created from type and converted to outlines. I want to bring it into a SketchUp model so I can extrude it and manipulate it. So my question is “Is there an auto-trace feature that can create a shape which I can then extrude rather than use the freehand tool or the other arc tools?”
Yes, I could simply use the type tool, but I find that it doesn’t duplicate the typeface I’m using accurately. (It displays a different weight of the type than is specified.)
Thanks for your quick reply!

As Casey wrote, there is no native tool for doing this. You could manually trace an imported image with the native drawing tools.

There is no “Type Tool”. I presume you mean 3D Text tool.

If you have a high res png image with a transparent background you can use an extension to create the geometry so that you can make a 3D version of it. Image Trimmer from the SKM Tools extension at Sketchucation can do that.


Thanks, Dave! I think this will work. Of course, I can use the 3D Text tool for my present project, but I’m having a real issue getting the font weight choice to “stick”. Please see my screenshots. Any thoughts. (I’m running the latest version of SU on a Mac.)

I don’t know what being ‘new to these forums’ has to do with clearly presenting your problem so other humans can help you… but you do you.

No one admonished you.